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Be a smart surfer and check out these safety tips to help you get the best experience while online.


Protect Your Personal Info

You never know who you're really speaking to online, so never give out your real name, address, phone number, photos and school details. It is also extremely important never to share photos online which may give away your details, such as; school uniform, school logo and street address. Giving away your personal information could lead to you being scammed, bullied or put in danger.


Protect Your Privacy

Keep your social network details, or any details you have used online private. Make sure that you first check privacy settings when online and that you are happy with them before you use the website. You never know where it might lead you.

Safety & Privacy Online

Don't Give In To Peer Pressure

Just because everyone else seems to be doing it, if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it!


Keep Your Pals In Pixels

Never meet up with people you only know from the internet, people aren't always who they claim to be. If someone asks you to meet with them in real life say "No thanks!" and tell a moderator, your parents, your teachers or another trusted adult.


Ban The Cam

You have no control over your photos and webcam images once you share them over the internet and you can't get them back. They can be shared with anyone, anywhere and be used to bully or blackmail or threaten you. Before you post a pic, ask yourself, are you comfortable with people you don't know viewing it?


Don't Be Scared To Speak Up

If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or scaring you with threats online, report them immediately to a moderator, your parents, your teachers or another trusted adult. 

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