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The importance of E-safety

For Parents


There are many benefits of the computer age and one of these is that children are becoming smarter. They are growing up computer literate and will have that as a huge advantage. Computer literacy is becoming an essential job qualification and feeling comfortable with computers will put them a step ahead.  However, children are innocent and do not realise the dangers which could be involved in some of the situations they encounter whilst online.


Some issues include:

  • Gaming (dangers of online gaming, but also age appropriate gaming)

  • Mobile phones

  • Bluetooth

  • Posting personal information and status updates on social networking sites.

  • Appropriate use of web cams

  • The importance of passwords

Why is it important to stay safe online?


E-safety is important because it safeguards the concerns of children and young people. It also emphasizes the importance and use of new technologies in a positive way as well as encouraging young people to develop safer online behaviours.


The potential for the internet to be a valuable and fun resource for entertainment, making friends and learning is huge. But if you use the internet, you could be at risk of illegal activity or abuse - be it bullying, fraud or something more serious. Unlike seeing someone face to face, on the net, people aren't always what they first seem.
In the same way you learn about safety when you leave the house, it is important to learn how to stay safe online. These are skills that will stay with you for life. Our website will help you and your children stay safe on the internet. 
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