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Social networking is a global revolution, enabling around a billion people worldwide to stay in touch with their friends, share experiences and photographs and exchange personal content. In many ways it has replaced the telephone and email. For many users, it has become a way of life. This is why we have put together tips on how to stay safe on social networking sites. 


Please check you are of a suitable age to use any social networking sites. 


Click on the 'Cyberbullying' tab and click on 'Child Safe Social Networks' for a list of social networking sites which have been approved by parents and children around the world. 


Safe Social Networking


You can  enjoy using social networking sites by following a few sensible guidelines:


- Do not let peer pressure or what other people are doing on these sites convince you to do something you are not comfortable with. 


- Be wary of publishing any identifying information about yourself – either in your profile or in your posts – such as phone numbers, pictures of your home, workplace or school, your address or birthday.


- Pick a user name that does not include any personal information. For example, “joe_london” or “jane_redbridge” would be bad choices.


- Use strong passwords.


- Keep your profile closed/private and allow only your friends to view your profile.


- What goes online stays online. Do not say anything or publish pictures that might later cause you or someone else embarrassment. 


- Never post comments that are abusive or may cause offence to either individuals or groups of society.


- Be aware of what friends post about you, or reply to your posts, particularly about your personal details and activities. 


- Learn how to use the site properly. Use the privacy features to restrict strangers’ access to your profile. Be guarded about who you let join your network.


- Be on your guard against fake friend requests and posts from individuals or companies inviting you to visit other pages or sites.


- Ensure you have effective and updated antvirus/antispyware software and firewall running before you go online. Information regarding this can be found on our 'Computer Security' page. 

Safe Social Networking

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