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By Gearies Primary school (Year 6)


Why under 13’s should not have a social networking account?


A social networking account allows you to link up with friends and talk to them online. Facebook, twitter and are some examples of them. You can also show pictures and videos of yourself on these sites. Anyone can see these. It isn’t as safe as you think it is. There are real threats but there are solutions for them on this report.


The threats of social networking sites!


As your personal information and pictures are open to everyone, anyone can pretend they know you. These people may even trick you into giving your address or phone number. Then they can stalk you and bully you if they know your weaknesses. They can even send threats to you online. It’s important to let an adult know if you are being bullied. You shouldn’t talk to these people as they don’t know you.


The solution to these threats!


You shouldn’t sign up to a Facebook account if you are under 13. First of all, you should make your account private (if this option is available). This means you will have to accept their requests to see your photos. You should never give away any personal information such as your address, phone number etc. If people start acting a bit weird online or you don’t know these people, you should block them. Never put pictures of yourself online because people might start to notice you on the streets and they could stalk you. It is very clever to make a fake avatar for the internet so strangers don’t recognise or know us. You could also install a CEOP button on your computer. Anytime you fell like your being harassed, just push this handy button. Now you and your child know how to be safe online. Remember to follow these safety rules to make sure you are safe all the time when using social networking sites. You can decide for your child if you want him/her to have a social networking site.




Cyber bullying and Social Networking sites

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