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Computer Security is really important to E-safety. Without it, various malicious programs more commonly known as malware will be able to attack your computer. These can log what you do online, steal internet banking passwords, remotely turn on web cams and many many more things that you would rather not have. Thankfully, if you follow these steps, your risk of becoming a victim to malware is dramatically reduced.


Keep your software up to date







Computer Security

Most malware spreads through known vulnerabilities in software you already have installed. It could be because your web browser, operating system (e.g. Windows or OSX), flash, java or similar software is not kept up to date. 


These days, it's quite easy to keep most software up to date. When you see those (admitedly annoying) prompts to update your software, follow the instructions to update it.


Just be doing this, you've significantly improved the security of your computer.


Don't download illegal software


Tempting as it is to get some lovely software for free, a lot it will install malware at the same time as the illegal software. It is very common for malware included with illegal software to scan for credit card details, passwords, and can even be used to access your webcam remotely.


Use an up to date operating system

If you have an older computer, it may well be running Windows XP or Vista. These are very old versions of Windows and have more vulnerabilities than the newer versions. The good news is, a computer that can run Windows XP or Vista will probably alsp be able to run Windows 7 or Windows 8. The upgrade process is also very straightforward.


Use internet security software and keep it up to date

Having good quality, up to date internet security software will make a huge difference to the security of your computer. You can get good quality software for free but if you can afford it, the paid software offers much better protection. Have a look at the links below with details on good comupter security software to download.


Best free internet security software


Best paid internet security software



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